Donald Trump tried to prebut Kamala Harris’s national address tonight and the result was a disaster.
It was clear from the moment he started talking that Trump was exhausted:
Trump sounds exhausted. It is telling that at his “prebuttal” to Harris’s speech tonight, he had to bring in guest speakers.
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) October 29, 2024
didn’t have enough energy to deliver the speech himself, so he brought in some guest speakers.
Trump started out getting media coverage on networks like CNN but they soon dropped him as it became clear that the ex-president was only there to rehash lies and not take any questions about his rally at MSG:
.@Acosta cuts off Trump’s speech and goes to a fact check with Daniel Dale, “One of the things that Trump did just at the start or started all of this falsely claiming that the 2020 election was stolen from him. We have debunked that so many times. That is just an outright lie.”
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) October 29, 2024
As the event dragged on, Trump sunk further into his abyss of delusions and lies to the point where he called the US economy fake:
Trump calls the US economy “fake.”
— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) October 29, 2024
Trump has is one trick pony who has nothing left to say. He is a declining old man who dreams of destroying democracy and ruling the country as an all powerful fascist.
Donald Trump doesn’t have the energy or power that he used to have, and he when he tries to stage events like he did today, they usually end up highlighting why he is unfit to serve as president.
Trump claimed he was going to expose the real character of Kamala Harris with this speech, but all he really exposed was his own weakness.