A Surging Kamala Harris Has Taken The Lead Over Trump

According to the latest CBS News Poll, Vice President Kamala Harris has erased Trump’s lead nationally and in the battleground states.


Kamala Harris has taken a slight lead over Trump nationally, and the battleground states are tied. There has been a big enthusiasm shift, as the percentage who say they will definitely vote has gone from 58% to 74%. pic.twitter.com/FNDoGciI1z

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) August 4, 2024

CBS News reported:

The percentage of Democrats who say they’ll “definitely vote” has risen to its highest point this year. That narrows the partisan “turnout gap” we’ve seen throughout the campaign.

And today much higher numbers of Black voters say they’ll vote, compared to July when Mr. Biden was the nominee.

More generally, all this points to how the election might well hinge on turnout and specifically on marginal-turnout voter — those who don’t always show up to vote.

For example, among those who generally describe themselves as “sometimes” or “rarely” voting — but say they’ll definitely vote now — Harris is currently winning.

How Kamala Harris Has Changed The 2024 Election

What has changed is that Kamala Harris has gotten voters excited and engaged who didn’t feel that way about a Trump/Biden rematch. After eight years of older candidates serving as presidential nominees, there seems to have been a pent-up demand among voters for new faces and voices.

Voters are more excited about Harris, and what should be encouraging for Democrats is that many voters still aren’t paying attention yet. The focus on the election usually doesn’t pick up among casual voters until after Labor Day.

The message in this poll is that Kamala Harris has momentum. This is a different election than it was two weeks ago. Donald Trump has lost any advantage that he once had. Democrats are excited. The swing states have shifted, and if this momentum continues, Kamala Harris will be the next President Of The United States.


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