Democrats Are Flying Through Biden Judicial Confirmations And Screwing Trump

Senate Democrats are taking advantage of Republicans not showing up for work by blowing through Biden’s judicial nominees.
Jennifer Bendery of HuffPost posted:

I see some absent GOP senators, but not all, have returned to try to help slow Dems’ rapid confirmations of Biden’s judges.

The Senate just confirmed Rebecca Pennell to be a U.S. district judge. Vote was 50-48.

Manchin voted no.

2 absent GOP senators: Ted Cruz + Mike Braun.”

Five GOP senators missed votes yesterday.

And then Trump

yelling about it on social media and demanded they all get back to the Senate ASAP and prevent Dems from confirming any more judges “before Inauguration Day.

The GOP… can’t do that. But still. Some came back.

The reason why Trump is melting down over Democrats moving at warp speed on judicial confirmations is that if Democrats confirm the rest of Biden’s nominees, there will only be 36 judicial openings for Trump to fill during his next term in office. Biden will have filled almost all available openings outside of s few dozen.

Not only is Trump going to enter office as a lame duck, but he won’t be able to finish his mission of destroying the courts by filling them with unqualified lackeys.

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