John Fetterman Destroys Trump’s Lies About Pennsylvania Election Cheating

Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) destroyed Trump’s false claims that Pennsylvania is cheating in the presidential election.

Fetterman responded on CNN’s State Of The Union to Trump’s claims that Pennsylvania is cheating, “Oh, it’s the same sh*t that he tried in ’20 and it didn’t go anywhere.”

When asked by Dana Bash if he was concerned about Trump’s claims, Fetterman answered, “I’m not worried about it. It’s the same thing that he tried in 2020. We had a secure election. There was voter fraud in Pennsylvania and it was handful of Republicans and they had their dead moms vote for Trump

…It’s not going to be effective any more effective than it was in 2020.”


What Trump’s lies and attempts to undermine the trust in Pennsylvania elections suggest is that Donald Trump is losing the state. He knows he’s losing the state, and so h has launched into his campaign to discredit the results.

Fetterman was right. Pennsylvania has seen all of this before, and the attorney general who beat Trump like a drum in court in 2020 is now the governor, so whatever the ex-president is trying to pull in Pennsylvania isn’t going to work.

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