Las Vegas Sun Calls Out Trump’s Mental Illness And Cognitive Decline

In a new editorial, The Las Vegas Sun wrote the truth about Trump’s waning energy, cognitive decline, and mental illness.

The editors at The Sun wrote:

There is an unsettling and undeniable shift that is leading many experts, observers and even some Trump supporters to conclude that the former president’s mental acuity and sharpness are also in decline, that his physical health and stamina are waning and that his frustration and anger are boiling over.

Americans from both sides of the political spectrum should be alarmed by Trump’s words and behavior. The nation must confront the fact that beyond his hateful character, he is crippled cognitively and showing clear signs of mental illness.

He shambles about aimlessly, slurs his words and sometimes speaks gibberish. Always an effortless liar, now that his speeches are nothing more than a series of lies tangled in a mass inside his head, it appears he no longer even knows he’s lying.

Donald Trump

has never had the moral compass to lead this country. But even his supporters cannot afford to ignore the signs that he may no longer have the mental faculties to lead it either. The stakes are simply too high.

For example, yesterday in Wisconsin the Trump campaign set up a stunt where the candidate was going to sit in a garbage truck, but Trump nearly fell trying to climb into the truck and once inside, he mangled his lines and said the wrong words.

For those of us who have been observing Donald Trump for years, the entire 2024 campaign has been a red flag. Trump refused to debate his younger Republican opponents in the party primary. The ex-president barely campaigned. His appearances on the campaign trail were limited to one day a week, or if he did multiple appearances they were scheduled days apart to give him time to rest.

When Trump moved into the general election, he still didn’t campaign frequently, which he could get away with when he was running against President Biden, but against Vice President Harris, Trump’s lack of stamina on the campaign trial has been obvious. Harris has been running circles around Trump as the ex-president has canceled media interviews and campaign appearances including at this weekend’s Penn State/Ohio State game in Pennsylvania.

Trump’s rallies have become such rambling and random nonsense that his own supporters walk out before he is done speaking. Cognitively, Trump has steeply declined. He can’t deliver a clear and effective political message. The ex-president can’t answer questions in interviews and there is clearly something wrong with his mind.

The Las Vegas Sun stated the obvious, but some of the nation’s largest newspapers too afraid of Trump to endorse Kamala Harris don’t expect the rest of the press to follow their lead.

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