Kamala Harris Has Broken Trump As Devastated Ex-President Breaks Down In Arizona

Kamala Harris has broken Trump as the ex-president’s first campaign stop was a mentally broken long ramble of half-thoughts that jumped around topics and bordered on nonsense.


The debate loss to Kamala Harris has apparently deeply psychologically damaged Trump. This is a 12 minute ramble today in Arizona where he starts talking about a 3rd debate mentally wanders off for 6+ minutes then says no third debate. This is what is left of the GOP nominee. pic.twitter.com/vqqRZcbayk

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) September 12, 2024


said in part:

And that’s what she said. I want to rematch. Polls slowly show that I won the debate against Comrade Kamala Harris. And as you probably know, because you know, when you say Harris, does anybody know who Harris is now? Kamala is a very different kind of a word, nice name, very nice name. But you know its Kamal. You know, Norris Harris, when you say Harris, everyone says who the hell is that right? But she immediately called for a second debate which means that she was like a prize fighter that lost a fight. We had two debates though I had a debate with crooked Joe Biden, right? And I had another debate with her.

She and crooked Joe have destroyed our country with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA totally unchecked, unvetted
and with inflation bankrupting our middle class, it has gotten bad. Everyone knows this and all of the other problems caused by Kamala and Joe, it was discussed in great detail during the first debate with Joe and the second debate with Comrade Harris.

She was a no show at the Fox debate. You know, Fox invited her. She was a no show. I sat with the Great Sean Hannity. Does anybody know Sean? Good man. He’s a good man. And I said, where is she? She didn’t show. So we did a town hall and he got great ratings on that town hall. I’ll tell you right now. Got really great led all of television for the week. It’s not bad. Right. Simple town hall turned out to be, uh, it turned out to be a town hall from what it was supposed to be, but she didn’t show up and refused also to do NBC and CBS.

She went over to ABC, which in my opinion, has taken a big hit because
these two people were bad news. They kept screaming at me. I said, why are you screaming? I’m saying to myself, I’m looking at him. I always liked him. I’m not gonna watch him anymore. I’m not gonna watch him because he’s not legit what he did. I’m not gonna watch him and his hair’s not as good as it used to be. You know, Kamala should focus on what she should have done during the last almost four year period. She kept complaining. Well, you know, when I’m in, I’m gonna do this and I’m gonna do that. And at the end of the debate, I said, why don’t you just do it? You could leave right now. Why don’t you do it? I’m gonna do this and then I’m gonna do that and then I’m gonna do this and that, and that remember at the convention when she went out and they nominated her, even though she got no votes they nominated, no, she came in last place in
the primaries, right? And then she got, and then she said Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. No, she’s a threat to about, she is a threat to democracy.

But do you remember when she went out? And she said, thank you. Do you remember that? It was the weirdest thing. Am I wrong? Because they were saying JD? And I are weird. No, we’re very solid people. She’s weird. And that vice president of hers is really weird. He’s really, that was a sound bite. You know, they said uh oh, he’s weird. That was, in other words, they gave it to their friends in the fake news. Weird. It’s something I’ve never called. I’ve been called a lot of bad things but not weird. But, you know, she went out and the people were applauding herself and she goes, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I think she went nuts. There was something wrong with her.

Trump Is Mentally Broken

Mary Trump told Lawrence O’Donnell that what happened would permanently damage Trump, and you can see from the transcript above that it has. Trump is completely broken. He is not just complaining about the debate. The ex-president has retreated to a fantasy world where he won the debate, and Kamala Harris is the weird and crazy one.

Vice President Harris didn’t just win a debate. She may have ended his political career.

The Republicans now have a nominee who is so broken by getting dominated in the debate that he can’t function.

Trump can say he won the debate, but his behavior tells the story of a candidate who knows he lost and is destroyed.

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