The Lincoln project

Photograph bij Karolina Grabowska

The Lincoln Project is dedicated to the preservation, protection, and defense of democracy. Since the launch in December 2019, The Lincoln Project has played a unique role in American politics. They entered the political arena with two stated objectives: first, to defeat Donald Trump at the ballot box in 2020. (Done.) The second was to ensure Trumpism failed alongside him. They understand that the real fight against Trumpism is just beginning and they’re committed to seeing it through. US democracy depends on it.

Founded by former Republican strategists who understood the grave threat of Trumpism to our nation, the Lincoln Project team has expanded to include individuals from across the political spectrum. They are first and foremost: pro-democracy.

Why they fight

Project Lincoln:

Our mission is to protect the American Republic from Donald Trump and those who identify (publicly or privately) as MAGA supporters. While we are optimistic about the future, we are not complacent. In 2020, it took an ad-hoc coalition to ensure Trump’s defeat. In 2022, we built a coalition across the political spectrum and again bought democracy some breathing room. We agree with Trump on only one thing: 2024 is a battle for America’s future.

President Abraham Lincoln led the United States through the bloodiest, most divisive, and most decisive period of our nation’s history. He fought not because he wanted to, but because he knew the dual goals of preserving the Union and the end of slavery would be achieved only through armed conflict. At Gettysburg, he implored us not to forget those who had given “their last full measure of devotion” to preserving the American experiment. 

Today, we find our nation divided again – faced with a growing authoritarian movement populated by millions of radicalized voters for whom this fight is existential as well as hyper-partisanship and Ultra-MAGA movements within the government itself. Donald Trump and those who ascribe to Trumpism are a clear and present danger to the Constitution and our Republic.

This is why we fight.

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