Stephen Colbert Explains To Trump Supporters That They’re In A Cult

Stephen Colbert used Trump’s Las Vegas rally to explain to the ex-president’s supporters that they are in a cult.

Colbert said, “It was so hot at the Vegas rally, six people were taken to a hospital, and another two dozen received medical attention. Here’s the deal: If you’re willing to stand out in the desert listening to some maniac ramble until your skull bursts open like a pan of jiffy pop, you’re in a cult! Or you’re at Coachella. Either way, get out of there! And take off the stupid hat!”


These people are not normal political supporters of a candidate. Normal supporters of a candidate don’t cheer when the candidate admits that he doesn’t care about them. He is only interested in their votes. Trump supporters gathered in the noon time over one hundred degree heat in an outdoor venue with no shade to listen to their candidate ramble incoherently about things that no one knew what he was talking about.

As Rachel Maddow put it, the best part of Trump’s boat rant was watching his audience follow along and try to figure out what he was talking about:

The crowd can’t figure out what Trump is talking about. Trump supporters endangered their health and welfare to be there, and have their brains boiled by somebody who doesn’t care about them. It certainly looks like a cult, acts like a cult, and is the sort of tyranny of the minority that the founders feared.

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