Trump Campaign Threatens To Back Out Of Debate Unless Mics Are Turned Off

The Trump campaign has threatened to back out of the September 10 debate with Kamala Harris unless the mics are turned off.

Brian Fallon of the Harris campaign posted:
Our latest understanding is that even though Trump said Monday he would be fine with an unmuted mic, his handlers don’t trust him to spar live with VP Harris and are asking ABC to ignore Trump’s comments and keep the mics muted or else they will back out of the debate for a third time. We have been asked to accede to Trump’s handlers’ wishes on this point for the sake of preserving the debate. We find the Trump’s team’s stance to be weak, and remain in discussions with ABC on the final rules.

The Trump campaign is asking everyone else involved to ignore the wishes of their candidate.

They know what’s best, and they want to mute Donald Trump. The Trump campaign knows that the ex-president is a disaster in front of a live microphone. The campaign also knows exactly what Trump will do if he is on a live mic and can spar with Harris.

Trump will look unhinged, out of control, and potentially cost himself the election.
Donald Trump was horrible in the debate against Joe Biden, and the fact that Republican presidential campaign is willing to back out of the debate during an election that they are losing because they can’t trust their candidate in front of a live mic should tell voters all that they need to know about Trump’s fitness for office.

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